Other eLearning experts
Yes, it may well be that we are not the right fit for your needs. Our ways of working are not suitable for every project and we do not master everything. But not to worry! There are lots and lots of online learning experts in Finland, each of them having their own strengths and core know-how. Some are consultants, others represent certain online learning environments or both.
We wish to increase the overall eLearning awareness in Finland and also recognize and acknowledge the eLearning experts we know. Therefore we have gathered to this page a list of these experts. The purpose of this listing is to increase openness and transparency and to help you as a customer. So, have a look at these experts and maybe you'll find the one that is a perfect match!
And if you are an eLearning expert and can't find your name on this list, let me know and we'll fix it!
YH Training receives no financial or other benefits based on the recommendations made.
eLearning experts, productization wizards, professionals of scalable business, content producers
Learning Designer Camilla Havanka, Muutosvalmius. I warmly recommend Camilla's services.
Instructor & coach Janne Nummela, Asiatalo. Not only eLearning but Adobe software, too!
Entrepreneur Emmi Immonen, Kahoha. Perspective to developing your business using digital solutions. O365 training, too.
Digipreneur Tiia Konttinen, Tiia Konttinen Oy. What Tiia does not know about marketing online courses, social media or blogs might not be worth knowing.
Founder of Vapauta Supervoimasi Verkkokursseilla program and host of Vapauta Supervoimasi podcast Iida Soininen, iidasoininen.fi. Iida helps entrepreneurs and those that dream of becoming entrepreneurs to begin and scale their businesses with online courses.
Facilitators Marianne Murto and Mona Räsänen, Mind Me Solutions. The expertise of Marianne & Mona is facilitating teamwork (dialogue, feedback skills, emotional intelligence, innovation, and recognizing strengths), and all this in a digital environment.
eLearning entrepreneur Heidi Wahl, ViltOn Learning. Heidi's fields of expertise are virtual training and facilitating them, content production, and assessing the effectiveness of the actions.
Learning designer & learning activist Akseli Huhtanen, who has e.g. created a taxonomy for eLearning interactions and described the production process of quality eLearning. Akseli has multiple tools to benefit you, e.g. accessibility perspective, facilitation methods, service/learning design tools and training & teaching skills.
Expert in WordPress & eLearning built using WordPress plugins, Miia Kuisma. Whether you want to learn how to do it yourself or wish someone to do it, Miia is the right person for the job!
If you are in need of animated explainer videos to be used in your online course (or anywhere else), eFace and Linda Paasikallio can help! You can find reference material on the eFace website.
Everything you need in eLearning you can get from eLearning designer Tero Riskilä, who has over a decade's experience in producing quality eLearning design and content (and LMS solutions) to various organizations.
In need of a graphic designer specialized in eLearning? Look no further, because Päivi Wargh is the person you need. Have a look at Wargh Creative's work on their website.
Representatives of online learning platforms: knowledgeable consultants and experts of comprehensive utilization of eLearning
eLearning expert, director Petteri Kallio, HAUS. Petteri and his team are very experienced in the field of digital learning. You can't mention Petteri without mentioning eOppiva, too.
Visionary in the field of digital learning Johanna Pellinen, Vuolearning. Yes, Johanna is an expert in using Vuolearning but she also has comprehensive knowledge of online learning in general, not to mention eLearning business and service design.
Communal learning expert Ilkka Mäkitalo, Howspace. Ilkka and his team develop and teach you how to utilize the favorite platform of quite many facilitators!
eLearning expert Riikka Hagman, Xoompoint. Riikka is multiply skilled in various eLearning-related sections representing Xoompoint's own FlowLMS but also helping customers in all kinds of online learning-related questions. Xoompoint offers a wide range of content production services, including videos and animations.
Product owner Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi, Discendum. Henna-Riikka can advise you in selecting the most suitable platform for your needs but also know how to plan and create pedagogic eLearning content. Discendum represents Totara LMS and Priima.
Teacher and online learning expert Hanna Koskela, Qridi. Hanna can introduce you to Qridi platform, and she also knows how to facilitate learning regardless of the environment or the learner's age. Qridi-related keywords are formative assessment, learning analytics, and visualizing learning.
An expert in digital pedagogy Anna Heiliö, MPS Prewise. In addition to comprehensive knowledge on eLearning MPS also provides its customers with Gimlet LMS.
Leader of digital learning services Antti Salmi, Keva. Keva provides the public sector with Oppimisympäristö (learning environment).
CEO of Claned, Vesa Perälä. Claned is well-known for combining learning design, e-learning environment and analytics to a platform that is liked by both trainers and organizations, not to mention educational sector.
Trainer, e-Learning expert Mira Perämäki, Mediamaisteri. Mira will be glad to help you when you want to produce learner-centred and activating eLearning content, and she likes to discuss learning design, too. Of course Mira can introduce you Mediamaisteri's own Moodle enviroment.
Selling eLearning content without acquiring eCommerce platform license
Investing in eCommerce integration is probably not the first thing you want to do when starting your digital training business. Therefore, it's good to know that you have an option! You can always contact Wakaru's CEO Petri Kultaranta, who can tell you about Oppia.fi - free of charge eCommerce environment for eLearning.
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