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Kaisa ja ikkuna. Kuvasta kiitos Nelli Kivinen

No affiliate programs

The recommendations given by YH Training are always based on

  • using the platforms and/or gathering information on the use of the platforms from peers or from the service providers

  • comparing the features of platforms to similar platforms.

    YH Training receives no financial or other benefits from the service providers based on the recommendations made. YH Training does not belong to any affiliate program.

Trial use of the platforms

Naturally, as an eLearning enthusiast, the testers have their favorites, but the criteria in testing and rating the platforms are the same for each environment. The quantitative method used in rating ensures the objectivity of the reviews.

Before you make the decision and get a license to some eLearning environment...

Before making the decision, you may well want to familiarize yourself with the features of the platform candidates either by testing them yourself or by reading about them (the blogs are currently only available in Finnish):


Blogitesti verkko-oppimisympäristöjen kvantitatiivisesta arvioinnista


Verkko-oppimisympäristöjen laadullinen arviointi


Verkko-oppimisympäristöjen kustannukset


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