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Kaisa Tainio-Keinonen

CEO & Content creator

+358 44 970 2058

YH Training is on LinkedIn!


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electronic invoice address: 003730947086

e-invoice operator: 003723327487

Business ID: 3094708-6

Who's behind YH Training?


Hi there, I'm Kaisa! Nice to meet you! 

I got into e-Learning by accident as I began selling an e-Learning SaaS product in January 2019. While selling the platform, I got to know its features exceptionally well and started to familiarize myself with online learning in general. Gradually, I moved away from sales, as it requires such qualities that are not natural to me. Instead, I started producing e-Learning content for my customers. For consultants, courses that can be embedded in Learning Management Systems (LMS) using Articulate Storyline. For other customers, courses that they can sell via their online learning platforms.


Currently, my strengths are in productizing services to online courses and transforming various content types to e-Learning. My most popular service is transforming customers' expert knowledge into an online course: their expertise can be in the form of a book, a video, or a presentation.

In practice: I can create Articulate Storyline courses from scratch or existing presentations. I understand what kind of e-Learning content is efficient and know how to create pedagogic content related to various specialization areas. I also study special education, educational science, and psychology (and statistics) at the University of Helsinki in addition to running my company. The studies facilitate the development of my pedagogic understanding. I'm immensely fascinated by online learning & teaching technologies and research methods. Because of this, I continuously review and rate various e-Learning environments and write reports of the use. Resulting from the review work, I have a comprehensive understanding of available online learning platforms and their pros and cons. 


I have a broad knowledge of business administration, as I spent the first ten years of my career working as Executive Secretary. Therefore I can facilitate the work of HR in e.g., building internal training, but can also utilize my experience in productizing services and developing the user experience. I have a kind of analytical-practical approach to all types of problems: first, to find out what the problem is; second, to figure out the best ways to reach an optimal result; third, to do what needs to be done. 


Our values, which we try to comply in all our life, are:


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